Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Nurture Relationships With Customers

Plants growing

In our last post we talked about how to create trust with potential customers who visit your website. So when they do become a customer, then what? How do you continue to nurture that relationship and create deeper connections with the people who buy from you, subscribe to your blog, or subscribe to your newsletter?

Ted Rubin wrote a great article about how to create real relationships with social marketing which inspired this post. Ted talks about being real and authentic, which can be a challenge when you're interacting online, but as he points out, there are ways to show people who you really are.

The first step in nurturing relationships is to follow up with customers. This is one thing that many businesses forget to do. It's like sleeping with someone on the first date and not calling them afterwards...or ever.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Create Trust With Potential Customers

With so many websites and businesses out there today, it's a little more challenging to figure out the scammers from legitimate businesses. If a person is on your site for the very first time, how do you go about enticing them to stay on your site? How do you build trust with these potential customers?

How do you get people to purchase your products or services if all they know about you is the information you’ve shared on your website? Here are a few tips...

Friday, June 8, 2012

3 Marketing People to Follow on Twitter

Twitter icon graphicOne of the biggest challenges for most business owners is marketing their products or services. In this social media world where we’re constantly bombarded with marketing messages, it’s become even more of a challenge. The old days of marketing are gone, so how do we keep up with all these new trends in marketing?

Well, we turn to Twitter for inspiration and ideas about all things marketing. Instead of simply listing a bunch of names and doing the standard “Follow Friday” using the #FF hashtag on Twitter, we thought it would be more beneficial to share with you via a blog post the 3 marketing people we follow on Twitter and why we follow them...

Monday, June 4, 2012

3 SEO Changes You Should Know About

SEO has been one of the biggest enigmas of the online marketing world. The industry of SEO (search engine optimization) is an ever-changing field. As you read this article, the search engine algorithms have probably changed a million times. (Ok, maybe just a few thousand times...)

If you don’t keep up with SEO, your business may not be as successful, but if you over optimize your site, you can be penalized. It’s a double-edged sword that companies like us have to deal with on a daily basis. Even if you have a firm working on the SEO of your website, it’s still good to be in the know of the latest changes.

Here are three changes in SEO that you should be aware of: